Tō Mātou Whakaaro
mo te Whakaako


Whakawātea promotes education from conception through life. Te Kura Amorangi o Whakawātea will provide an environment for our tamariki that will nurture and develop their self esteem whilst holding fast to the taonga of our tūpuna, te reo mea ngā tikanga Māori.

Through ours and the philosophy of Te Aho Matua and in accordance with the National Education Guidelines this will be developed, promoted and enhanced. Our tamariki will be given every opportunity to reach and develop their full potential and self actualisation.

Whānau / caregivers will be expected to walk hand in hand with their tamariki as it is critically important that whānau participate fully in the support of their tamariki and their learning, ngā kaimahi and the kura. Whānau need to develop their knowledge and understanding of te reo me ngā tikanga Māori independently and by attending regular wānanga.

By working together as a learning community we can protect, enhance and empower our tamariki, OUR FUTURE!!! The holistic care and education we will provide in partnership with whānau will nurture ngā tamariki in their four corners of te taha wairua, te taha hinengaro, te taha tinana mea, te taha whānau enabling them to grow with strength, passion and vision.

Whakawātea will promote a high quality of learning and achievement. Tamariki will learn the benefit of working individually and collectively. Every effort will be made to cater for individual learning styles. We also teach our tamariki about Ranginui and Papa-tū-ā-nuku, their tamariki and their many wonders and how best to protect them and look after them. Tamariki will learn together and have equal access to all activities regardless of age, gender or ability.

Positive behaviour and performance will be encouraged. Our desires for our tamariki are that their life source be secure for life’s challenges: that in learning to respect themselves they can easily respect others. Our wish is that our tamariki are skilled and comfortable in their own language and that they are proud and knowing of their Iwitanga.