He Karere


He Pānui - Attendance Concerns, Strategies, Incentives & Consequences

Tēnā koutou Mātua mā

“Every school day is a good day”

As you all know we have been trying to implement a variety of strategies, consequences and initiatives to try to support our tamariki to come to Kura on time, every day.

Habitual lateness and absenteeism has become a reality for some and it’s jeopardising the future prospects of our tamariki, your tamariki - it’s devastating.  

This is how attendance rates are defined and we are dedicated to achieving the optimal, of regular attendance because that is what our tamariki deserve.

Student Attendance Rate

•Regular attendance: >90%

•Irregular absence: >80 – 90%

•Moderate absence: >70 – 80%

•Chronic absence: 70% or less

Student wellbeing is seriously jeopardised if tamariki are not attending kura regularly.

Student Wellbeing

More days of non-attendance is associated with worse wellbeing outcomes, including:

•School-work related anxiety

•Decreased sense of belonging

•Fewer friendships with peers

•Exposure to bullying

•Feeling like your teacher is being unfair

Worst of all are the long term effects which have been well researched over many years which have serious consequences for our tamariki.  

Poor attendance increases the risk of poor achievement, which has lifelong negative impacts including lower earnings and employment sustainability.

*Education and earnings, a New Zealand update. Ministry of Education (2020)

International research has also linked lower school attendance to:

•Increased likelihood of dropping out of school earlier

•Social isolation from school and peers

•Poorer mental health and social functioning

•Increased likelihood of criminal activity

•Increased likelihood of requiring social assistance in the future.

*Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation (2022) Understanding attendance: A review of the drivers of school attendance and best practice approaches. NSW Department of Education.

We don’t want any of our tamariki to experience these outcomes therefore we intend to go all out with everything we can possibly do to make sure that they don’t.

We can’t provide our tamariki with what they deserve if whānau don’t make sure they prioritise their tamariki coming to kura on time, every day.  

We will support our tamariki to come to kura on time, every day in the following ways:




Attending School is Compulsory by Law

Children are legally required to be enrolled at and regularly attend school between the ages of six and sixteen. If this doesn’t happen then parents, caregivers, whanau, whoever is ultimately responsible for that child can be prosecuted.  We are required to ensure our tamariki regularly attend kura on time, every day. 


Lateness & Absenteeism impacts on inappropriate behaviour which has also created concerning incidents, and we are going to dial in even more to bring about consistent high levels of appropriate and respectful behaviour.  When tamariki struggle with this we expect and need whānau support with any issues and that daily on time attendance is adhered to.  If the need arises we will make contact so that we can work together to support our tamariki to be appropriate, respectful and make better choices.  Keep things simple with this Behaviour Plan that has the ability to support all tamariki and their whānau.

Our communication tools, make sure you have them all and you won’t miss a thing:

Nākū i runga i te hau mihi


Have you registered for our eTAP Caregiver App?

Download the eTAP Caregiver Mobile App

WHĀNAU BEHAVIOUR PLAN 1 - 3   for your convenience, click this link to download to support you and your parenting

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Go to our Newsletter archive on Google Drive.


Ngā Wāhanga o te Tau