The COVID Simple
If your child tested positive they must self-isolate at home with their direct household for 10 days. The day they have a positive test is Day 0, Day 1, begins the next day and they are only able to return on Day 11 as long as you are free of COVID symptoms and have been for at least 48 hours, if they have self-isolated with their entire household as per the health guidelines. If they are symptom free and this has been followed they don’t have to be tested again either.
If your child/ren are away from kura or kōhanga self-isolating because they have a direct household member who has tested postive you need to:
· Monitor them for symptoms
· Self-isolate at home with their household for 10 Days
· Test on Day 3 – notify us with the result immediately
· Test on Day 10 – notify us with the result immediately
If they test negative on Day 3 and Day 10 they are able to return kura or kōhanga and normal routines on Day 11.
If they test positive that would become Day 0 and they would need to re-start Day 1 the next day and complete 10 more days self- isolating as they have become a positive case, as above.
The day anyone receives a positive test is known as Day 0. If everyone self-isolates as per the health guidelines and you test negative on your Day 3 and Day 10 test then you are able to return to kura or kōhanga and your normal daily routine on Day 11.
Please complete this form each and every time for each child at our kura or kōhanga: 2022 COVID Positive Notification
Please communicate everything COVID including LFH via the form above or to our dedicated email,
We have no capacity to respond to individual emails or calls due to staffing capacity challenges, all COVID communication needs to be via the form and email above ONLY.